Children should never be sad
Every now and then you get that feeling in your heart…not even sure how to explain it. A feeling that a lot more could’ve been said…a lot more could’ve been done but it just didn’t happen!
I am talking about those moments when the emotions are so high you just don’t know how to explain them.
I am talking about that look in your children eyes, the sadness that you wish they didn’t have…The sadness you wish you could do something about. The moment when you wish you were smart enough to just stop it all!
To stop the sadness, to stop these negative emotions, to stop their nightmares and their cries…you just wish for a better world…one in which you didn’t have to make sacrifices.
We never want our kids to be sad…
We want them to be happy, smiling and excited about life…
I am well aware that any child should grow up in the presence of their both parents – mother and father. But sometimes that is not possible and as much as we wanted done it can’t be done.
For now we fight to spend more time together when we meet. On holidays when we are all together we try and enjoy every single minute. On holidays daddy is always with us, he never goes away.
I dedicate every single day to the upbringing of my girls, I am the one that wakes up in the morning with them and the one that puts them to bed every single night. I am trying to do my best and take the best decisions when they need me to take them for them but most of the time I try to let them spend their day like they want to (in limits of course).
That is all…So in some way my kids have more than others. And we thank for the things we HAVE we smile for the things we ARE blessed with and I teach my girls to do the same every single day.
I know that many of you see me moaning here and on social media…you must be tired by my moaning now…there is nothing I can help you with because it is my right to moan. So look in a different way or unfriend me…the last thing a person in my situation needs to be told is…” shouldn’t complain as it was your choice…”
Sim @
All you can do is do your best for the girls and keep their spirits up as well as your own. It’s pretty bloody tough but I am sure they enjoy every moment when their Daddy is back with you all. Sending big cuddles! Sim x
yes they do. thats the best part – is all theirs (ours) when he is with us.
Penny Carr
Oh Otilia – it must be so difficult for both you and the girls. You are doing a fantastic job though. x
Thank you Penny I really hope so. I am so scared I might damage them in some way 🙁
People can be so quick to pass comment on things without standing back and thinking about the damage their words can do. You are doing great Otilia, you are doing your best, your girls are well loved and looked after. You are sounding more positive, just remember that sadness is a natural part of life, keep focusing on the good things like you do x
I know it is. Thank you for your kind words…they help a lot!
I don’t think anyone has a right to comment on someone else’s situation. It must be so hard Otilia, and you have my utmost respect at bringing up your lovely girls on your own part time. xx
I know they don’t but people do and I cant help getting hurt…
Stephs Two Girls
You are doing a great job, and not moaning, just telling it how it is. It sounds tough now but hope the future has something better in store for you x
Always happy to be the shoulder you cry on.
And you moan all you like better to do that than bottle it up.
wishing you happiness always x
Ness @ JibberJabberUK
Your life and your family. Just keep being strong for them and your love will shine through.
Becky Cowley
I have just found your blog, it sounds like you are doing everything to make your girls happy!
You have a right to moan as much as you want, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise x
Helen at Casa Costello
Your girls are so beautiful! Moan away … that’s what we are here for. Anyone who has a problem is not worth it. You do a brilliant job x
My husband spent most of last year working away so I know just how hard it is. And lonely. I was pregnant at the time and desperately poorly with it, so his absence was felt by us all even more. I wish I had words that could comfort you and the kids- you’re right, no kid should be sad x x x