My living arrows
Period, depression and moody kids is not a good combination I know. As I said earlier I am struggling at the moment but if it wasn’t for my kids I think I would’ve been even deeper down…
My girls had to put up with my moodiness and my screams this week which I regret more than I could say in words. I guess as parents we all go through this kind of moments. The worse bit is the fact that I don’t have someone that can balance me around. I think that when hubby is around it’s a lot easier.
The weather was very kind this week though so we spent quite a lot of time outside – mostly in the garden but we did go for walks around the town too. The sun did help to keep us above the line and the girls loved spending time out…playing with the bowl, playing in mud and running around.
They play so nicely together. Well most of the time 🙂 when Kara is not annoyed with the fact that Anastasia wants to take everything she puts her hands on or when they don’t scream at each other. But kids are kids and things like this are normal.
I love the way they pretend play though…so many games! Playing school, going to the doctor,going on holiday…It is quite interesting to sit back and listen to the things they say to each other. Especially my eldest…a real statement to my parenting actually…and by watching them play I see the things I did wrong too.
I try to make sure my girls are never sad but then when they watch my sad moments it’s normal for them to copy me. I tell them always how much I love them and they both come and give me hugs and say the same thing. Even my 2 year old does it although from her mouth sounds more like “lobed you mummy” 🙂 She is such a happy child and I wish we could all have her smile and laugh.
“But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”
―Khalil Gibran
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Aww they both have lovely sunny smiles, I’m sure they are a real comfort when you’re feeling like you’re struggling, and I hope the fog lifts soon 🙂
such sweet little girls a credit to you. I love it when its sunny and warm and my 4 can play out more . with my boys its always football and bikes and skateboards now but my little girl loves the garden for its mud , flowers and garden toys , so much fun.Also you take lovely pictures I need to get a better camera my pictures come out blurry if taken indoors even with a flash.
Lovely photos. It’s great that they’re such good friends. My sister and I were like cat and dog when we were younger…
It’s not easy is it Otilia, you do so well though considering your hubs isn’t around a lot of the time. The pictures of the girls are gorgeous. They are growing up fast! x
Merlinda Little ( @pixiedusk)
I know what you mean when you are sad and you are tying to be happy for you children. There are bouts of depression in our household too and I am so glad that my son is in school so that I can be sad w/o him seeing it. But true that I dont know what will happen to me if not for his presence which just saves me everyday.
Sim @ Sims Life
What absolutely stunning pictures! The girls look happy and ready for summer! Not easy chick, you just have to keep smiling – those faces will keep your spirits up!x
Kate B
Aaww, your littlest does have a gorgeous smile. I love their imagination at this age and my boys are so enthusiastic with their little games too. Even without depression we have tough days so you are doing an amazing job. My hubby works lates and nights and I find it difficult at times so it must be even harder for you.
It is already hard enough being a parent, let alone having depression as well. I know it is easier to say than do but you should not be hard on yourself. Your girls look so happy. You have to know you are doing a great job!!!! I am telling you, you are doing a great job!!!! 😀
Beautiful photos Otilia and beautiful girls xx
Sonya Cisco
Lovely, lovely girls – and be kind to yourself, solo parenting is hard and I think you are doing a far better job than you realise x
They are growing so fast! I love these, they feel like captured stolen moments x
Penny Carr
Such lovely photos. It’s hard trying to be happy and cheerful all the time with kids, especially when you’re doing it all on your own. hugs xxx
They are lovely!
Parenting isn’t easy. When we feel bad about our moods we are doing more than we think…we are aware.
Gorgeous photos Otilia. x
Boo Roo and Tigger Too
I’m sorry that you’ve had a bad week mood wise, it can’t be easy for you but I can see why your girls keep you going they are beautiful