
bothThese last couple of week I’ve been really quiet I know and I apologise for it. You see I am trying to finally get a driving license so this is what kept me away from the blog. My time was spent between caring and looking after my daughters and studying. I am happy to say that I passed my theoretic part yesterday with the maximum of points so it was worth it! Now I am waiting for the practice part to come in two weeks time….



My eldest was also on holiday from school s really had my hands full. We’ve been trying to catch up with learning letters and maths so…well…I am sure you understand.

Since their daddy left back to work time has flown by it seems. I guess it is because they are a lot older now and they never want to stop. The only time I spend “away” from them is when they have their lunch nap and in the evening when they sleep 🙂 So not much at all.

I am grateful that these last couple of days my parents helped me lots with looking after the girls while I was studying. It’s good to have parents living next door sometimes.



The weather was really nice too so the girls spent a lot of their time in the garden and in and out of the wooden playhouse that their dad built and painted for them. Kara calls it they “garden home”.

Oh this reminds me that I am still to put up some pictures with it!

“I see who I want to be in my daughter’s eyes.”


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