Life challenges
We are back in England after a bit over two years now. Not to stay. Just to visit. Unfortunately our money situation still doesn’t allow us to live here as a family. Plus the fact that we have no family support is another thing that keeps our family apart.
I guess is one of those things that we have to go through. Other families have their own challenges so really…I should not complain.
I know that s very important for the family to be together but sometimes the things are not as easy as that. We’ve been here three days already and my girls already suffer in a way. I mean we did have a wonderful time out yesterday and saturday but the fact that they don’t meet any kids/friends their age while they are out affects them. Plus during the week daddy is mostly at work so again they don’t like that. Ah and the rain…they don’t like the rain either.
It would probably be a lot better if we were in London and not here in Bracknell but this is where daddy works now so this is where we have to be. We have plans to travel in the upcoming weeks though so hopefully we will al enjoy that.
There are also almost 3 years since my last day at work-which I can’t quite believe it. You know I never thought that I will ever be a stay/work at home mum. But I am. And I enjoy it most of the time. Like everything “the job” has its ups and downs.
But I love my two more than anything/anyone else in this world and being with them is what I am/I have/I need to do right now.
I love all the pictures u post ! They are *gorgeous*
Katy Hill
Ooh – hopefully this week will be loads better with the HEATWAVE! Yay! Gorgeous pictures – as ever x
Boo Roo and Tigger Too
It’s funny how life changes and we adapt to living a different way. Whilst it may not be ideal being apart it does make the time you are together more special.
Our kids can change our outlook on everything, can’t they? Beautiful pictures, and a beautiful family you have x
Lovely pics as ever and yes indeed life has its challenges!
I’ve loved seeing your photos on Facebook over the last week, the girls look like they are having so much fun x
Like Clare, it’s nice seeing you all together as a family again.Hopefully you will be all together as a family again.