Being at home is great!

And so the holiday is now finished! Back to my home town and life of a “single” mother. From the moment we arrived at the airport everything seemed to get back to it’s place. My girls and my parents were so happy to see each other again and of course my eldest was the one that was the most talkative all the way from the airport to my hometown.

Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures of them together to see their enthusiasm of getting together again. It was night and we were all very tired…My mum even share a tear when she saw all of us arrive through the airport gates. Bless her!

Miss K was happy to see her grandparents so in less than half an hour she told them all about her holiday with her daddy in UK! She was that excited that she left me and Anastasia alone and she spend the night at her grandparents.

Although we all miss their daddy since we arrive it feels that we all feel relieved that we are home. Thankfully here we have space to feel relaxed and the fact that we can go out and meet up with our friends rather than strangers makes a big difference.


Tuesday we spent our entire day with my eldest best friend and her mummy and Miss K couldn’t look happier! Even Miss A had a great time! Last night, as the circus came to my home town we all went to see it and we were joined by my cousins and their sons plus we were joined by my friends that are visiting from Belgium and their two sons. It was a big party and the good thing is that the girls didn’t feel neglected despite their daddy’s absence.

Usually in moments like these when we get together I am usually the one that wishes that my husband was here with me. But we all have to make our own sacrifices and like I said this is ours.

We are looking forward to a hot summer with temperatures of over 30 degrees. It is the perfect time to spend time at the beach and at the local pool, to meet up with friends and to generally spend more time outside.

I know there is still a lot to tell you about our stay in Bracknell with their daddy but don’t worry all will come. As you can see I still have a few things to tell and show about our holiday in Disneyland.

I am slowly getting into starting to blog more often so bear with me while I pick myself up.

The main thing is the fact that we are all happy!

Like husband says…’Till next time!

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