Make an egg carton caterpillar

Make Egg Carton Caterpillars

What else can two kids do at home, besides watching cartoon, on a day when the weather is really bad? If your parents will let you than you can paint or craft.

A day when it just rained and rained was last week so my girls insisted that we do some crafting. As I wanted something easy to do that both girls with enjoy I thought we should try making caterpillars. Both girls were really happy about it and quite keen to get dirty♥.

As I wasn’t very sure on how to make one I searched the internet and I found one very easy step-by-step guide on Wikihow.

Our caterpillars were not as nice as the one on Wikihow but I still think the girls done a great job considering I only helped them when it came to making the holes for the ears.

Make an egg carton caterpillar



  • Empty egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Googley Eyes
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Hot Glue Gun or just Glue
  • Green paint

Instructions – Follow the steps from Wikihow or just watch the images below as I am sure you will figure out how to make them.

Make an egg carton caterpillar

Make an egg carton caterpillar

Make an egg carton caterpillar

Make an egg carton caterpillar


Hope you enjoyed this little craft. We – mostly the girls – really enjoy it and we want to experiment with different colours next time. We also made a Christmas tree but about that will tell you in a different post.


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