Easy Origami Envelopes
Happy 1st of March everyone! Can you believe it’s already spring? The first two months of the year past way too fast and I didn’t even feel like it was really winter. I mean it only snowed a couple of times and that was all! Otherwise it was quite a mild winter with days that went up to 21 degrees here.
Now although it’s 1st of March and the first day of spring is very cold and it’s raining! Pretty miserable start of spring…But in Romania we still celebrate “Martisor” today though so in preparation to this day my girls and I done a lot of crafting and this is how I teach myself to make envelopes too.
I even filmed myself created a couple of these envelopes and uploaded them on YouTube and Facebook – wanted to find out where will they do better. Will let you know about that at the end of the week.
Facebook link – https://www.facebook.com/RomanianMumBlog/videos/vb.469766753145100/909038005884637/?type=2&theater
If you would like to make your own then all you need will be:
square paper – I used a A4 paper
coloured sticky tape
I really like doing origami and hopefully soon I can show you some more difficult designs as well.
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Phoebe @ Lou Messugo
I’m hopeless at this sort of thing, I’m all thumbs and don’t have the patience! Happy spring by the way!
Emma Raphael
Love it! And I am going to show my older children so they stop pinching my envelopes! 😀
Bless you. My girls use some of the ones I made to play with 🙂
Nichola - Globalmouse
My oldest is really in to origami, it’s a perfect craft for a rainy day isn’t it?
Oh yes that is true! My girls don’t have the patience always though…which is a bugger 🙁
Jen Walshaw
Love this. I will be making these with the boys – pinned
Emma | The Mini Mes and Me
I have quite a few penpals so I’ve made a few envelopes in my time! x
The Mummy Diary
I love this idea, super simple and although i’m not good at this sort of thing I think we’ll give it a go next time we need some cute little envelopes for thank you cards.
Fritha Strickland
I’ve always wanted to be good at origami and always failed at anything I’ve tried to make! Will have to give these a go as they look doable x
Shell Louise
We love origami and look forward to more videos 🙂
Kate Williams
They look really cool, I’d like to give origami more of a try 🙂
I am terrible with origami but you’ve made it look easy – shall give it a try
These are fab, going to get boo to make some tomorrow as she loves sending little notes to her friends x
I love a good bit of origami as well. So useful to have some basics to be able to whip up when needed 🙂