Sporty Stories

Sporty Stories – #PassTheProud Kids Book

I am very excited to tell you all about the project I took part this last month – Pass The Proud Kids Book! What is this all about then? Like it says already it is about a book that includes stories for kids written by bloggers in aid of Team Honk for Comic Relief.

As I am sure you got used already Team Honk every year puts together a project and raised money for Comic Relief. Again this year it was a lot happening around UK – Penny travelled around London and visited as many museums as she could while Vanessa, Sarah and Liz took the Zone 1 challenge – covering all 64 stations in the London Underground Zone 1 in the fastest time! I watched them all on social media from afar  here in Romania and wished I was there too!

But thanks to Alice Hassall initiative I got to take part in the book project and if you would like to read the stories that myself and 7 other wonderful bloggers wrote all you have to do is let me know in the comments and for a small donation of as little as £1 on our donation page I will send you the story book straight into your inbox.

The wonderful ladies that wrote the Sporty Stories:

Emma Bradley 

Sally Whittle

Emma Conway

Penny Alexander

Kirsty Hornblow

Rebecca English

Becky Goddard-Hill

and I!

Sporty Stories

Sponsoring helps amazing projects that help people in need in UK and across the world. I encourage you all to do your bit to save the world and make it a better place. Join in with everyone else that donated money and companies like Wayfair that always support Team Honk.

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