Sisters {march}
There are truly no words to describe my love for my two girls. They are my world and the reason why I go on. Like any person suffering of depression my days are sometimes harder to get through but because of my two girls I continue to fight surviving it and go on.
I am considering myself very lucky that I can work from home and be here for my girls 24/7 – it’s what the joy of blogging brings to me.
My girls are now 7 and 3 and the bond between them grows more and more. Although their characters are so different – my eldest is rather an introvert and prefers to have quiet time every now and then while my youngest is an extrovert and loud person – they rarely fight with each other. It is quite pleasurable to see them play with each other and my youngest always tries to copy her sister.
I am trying to enjoy their every moment and despite being at home with them I still feel that life is slipping through my fingers.
Kara is now 1st grade and although the beginning of the year was quite good at school things are starting to be more difficult. She is not struggling – far from it – but as she learns more and more I see that she has to try harder than her colleagues. After all she is the youngest in her class and while some kids just turn 8 years old she just turn 7 years old on 18th of March. I am so proud of her though as despite that she is not one of the last in class. Unfortunately these last couple of months she also discovered that sometimes friends can disappoint…some of her friends let her down and stopped playing with her just because she is not allowed with gadgets at school…I am trying to tell her that things like this will happen in life. I’m heartbroken she has to go through disappointments so early in life though but she is always been the kind of person who will just bend backwards just to please everyone…and no matter what I will do nothing will change her.
I am pleased however that she continues to enjoy her ballet classes although she is not the best at it but it is an extracurricular activity and she simply enjoys it.
Anastasia is discovering the world around her still and like any child at 3 years old it’s just amazing to watch. Love how surprised she is when she sees that the apricot tree in our garden bloomed or that she can successfully ride a scooter even better than her sister. She loves going to nursery and her friends there although she’s been quite ill recently and she had to skip it…Viruses in Romania seem a lot stronger than in UK and since we moved back she had to go on antibiotics more than for my liking. This last time she even had to do injections which was just horrible to watch.
She is such a happy child though and loves living her life to the fullest and is so enjoyable to watch her and discover the world through her eyes.
Sisters Make The Best Of Friends
They are such pretty , and sweet girls and are lucky to have such love for each other and from you. You must be so very proud . Also I love Anastasia glasses they look lovely on her.
sorry its Kara who wears such sweet glasses I got there names muddled.