Sisters {April}
Almost two weeks since I last wrote here and a month since my husband went back to UK for work and things seem to be busier than ever. The girls were busy at school/nursery and outside of it and I just seem to be bouncing from one thing to another. But I guess this is what life is when you have kids.
Now however spring break has started officially and they will be home with me for the next two weeks. I really don’t have anything scheduled but I am hoping that as soon as this stinking cold that I have will go away to go away on same day trips. I hope my parents will be willing as well as when you drive somewhere things are a lot easier.
Time seems to slip through my fingers though and my girls are growing at a faster rate than ever. While Kara is really nice and mellow and willing to do anything to make her sister happy, Anastasia is more and more aware of that and she is really taking advantage of it. Her tantrums are more often too which let me tell is very hard to ignore.
I am trying to wean them off sugar and sweets and it might be why? I don’t know but the other day we went to the local shop to buy some bread and she start crying as she wanted a big Kinder Surprise! I told her she is not allowed but she continued crying and screaming all the time we were there…
Yes I was a bit embarrassed but I didn’t give in at all. I kept my calm although everyone around was looking in awe. I was quite proud of me by the end of it! And she also understood that crying for something she is not allowed to have will not make me change my mind…so…
My eldest is more understanding from this point of view and although she resisted at the beginning she now accepts that sugar in large quantities is not good at all!
You might think I am wrong to restrict them but as the effects of sugar really affect me and I am trying to eat as little as I can why should I continue giving them more than they need it? So instead we have a lot more fruits and even the ice cream they eat is mostly composed out of fruits – fresh or frozen!
Life means more than a chocolate treat. Is better to teach your kids about the dangers of the new world. To teach them that a pretty wrap doesn’t mean that product is good for them. To teach them that when it comes to food goodness usually comes from the ground. I am not the perfect mother/parent but I am trying as much as I can to teach my girls what is good for them by showing the world that surrounds them. So…instead of taking them to the mall I will try and take them as much as I can outdoors this spring/summer.
We visited the Natural Sciences and The Dolphinarium again at the beginning of April and we will probably visit it a couple more times this summer.
Big thanks to my friend for bringing us with them – she is a driver. The girls are really good friends too and they love spending time together.
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Jen Walshaw
Oh they are getting so big and I think you are very brave doing the sugar thing. We are trying to cut nasties out of our diets too
It is hard and I am not very very strict about it.Just hoping that if they are getting used without it now they will find it easier to resist it later on.
Fozia S
Good on you for cutting down the sugar… My girls do have treats and I think I need to reduce it in our house aswell.
I need to keep it up though and with all the temptations around is reeeaaallly hard!
Good luck with weaning them off sugar, you seem to be doing a good job. I’m so lucky as apart from the odd bit of chocolate my kids are not really into sugary treats. Not my doing, but good all the same. They won’t even drink sugary drinks. Such lovely photos of your girls.
Thank you. My eldest used to be like this when she was little. But seeing how much sugar normal supermarket products have like baked beans and canned tomatoes and yoghurt is what really scares me!
JuggleMum, Nadine Hill
It’s wonderful to watch your children grow and develop their individual personalities. I love to watch mine play together too – it makes me so proud. That photo of your girls where the eldest is kissing the youngest is just lovely.
I know. I am planning to do a collage with pics like these when they show love for each other. Hopefully it will help them remember with pleasure their childhood!
Shell Louise
I think it’s excellent that you’re cutting their sugar intake and well done for standing your ground over the chocolate 🙂
Clare aka Emmy's Mummy
They are getting so big now.
Well done for sticking it out, both mine do this to me and it’s embarrassing but I’ll not be dominated by my children’s demands
Emma | The Mini Mes and Me
I try to limit sugar intake for my two but they go to their dad’s house for some days where I have no control over their diet… eeek. I’m loving the picture of the three of them together xx
Gorgeous girls, they really are growing up. It must be hard being without hubby for so long x
I can’t lie and say it is not but we always look forward to the moments when we are all together. And it just makes us appreciate the times together more.
Steph Curtis
Sounds like you are doing a great job with them, and they will thank you for it (eventually) 😀
Hopefully Steph x
Charly Dove
Oh Otilia it must be so hard doing this but as you say I’m sure it means you appreciate your time together all the more. The girls are growing up so fast aren’t they, as children do. POD is five now and already looking like a string bean!
Kara Guppy
They are growing so fast. Weaning kids off sugar is hard work isn’t it?