My first experience with DoTerra
Today I would like to talk to you about my first experience with DoTerra.
I was very skeptical about this whole thing because I really didn’t think that some oils can help with pains and colds.
I mean I am all for natural treatments but it sounded a bit too unreal to me.
However, last september I met Brindusa at a course in Constanta and fell in love with the smell of the “Lemon Oil”. But that wasn’t the first time I heard about DoTerra.
The first time I heard about DoTerra was when I was on Facebook chatting to a fellow friend with the same problem with me – thyroid problems.
You see three years ago when I was looking for reasons why I can’t shed the extra weight I cary around I found out that I have some nodules on my thyroid which inhibit the production of hormones…
I started straight after taking a medicine that is called Euthyrox but that medicine didn’t seem to help too much in the last three years so here’s me asking around what it helps.
So my friend recommended me to find someone that can make me an oil mix that will help with some of the symptoms like depression , anxiety and insomnia.
So when I met Brindusa I asked her to make me the mix. She did and I was sold! Less than three months after I was making my own order and join the DoTerra world by buying their “Home Essential” enrolment kit.

I made quite a bit of orders since then and I’ve been treating myself and my girls with them quite successfully. Hubby is still quite resistant but I am sure that bit by bit he will be sold too.
I love my DoTerra oils and they are always my first stop when something happens.
Period moods and pains are no more treated with Nurofen but with Clary Calm and Copalba.
Today however I would like to share with you details about the mix I used for my thyroid. Although is quite well known among the DoTerra family I would love to make it even more well known.
So here are it’s ingredients:

I love having it on my skin and although there were no noticeable changes to the size of the nodules on my thyroid the way I feel it is certainly better.
On top of this oil I am also taking the Lifelong Vitality Pack. You can only purchase through a Wellness Advocate or if you join DoTerra and become a Wellness Customer or Wellness Advocate.
What do you say would you like to try it?

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