Top Tips on Creating an Office Area at Home
Working from home it’s great as it’s simply fantastic to be here when the girls need us. We simply don’t need a babysitter to look after them and we can split the responsibilities between us now that we are both at home.
However, we only have one office/desk area and when we both need to work is a bit difficult to find another area to work from.
We are planning to renovate part of our home and adding a couple of rooms to it though so things will be a lot better then.
In the meantime however we have to make do with the space we have.
So how do you set up an office at home when you are constrained by space?
Find the right space
When your space is limited you need to get creating in finding and decorating a workspace area.
Some people organise a little office in the space they have under their stairs or in their closet by removing the clothes pole. When you are constrained by space you have to find a way to make it better for everyone.
I only spend a couple of hours at my desk at the moment but some of you like my husband might spent their entire day in your workspace.
So when identifying the space for your home office make sure you choose a space that is used rarely like a guest room – if you have it in your home that is.
Since I moved back home I moved all over the inside of my house – from the dining room to the couch to the table we have set up in the garden.
We do have a desk set in the bedroom now but that it’s quite small to fit both of us – my husband and I.
At the moment we have a Hinson Desk which you can find on LionsHome website. This is great and fashionable but small to fit two people and their two laptops so ideally we need something longer that will fit along the wall but not too wide.

I quite like the idea above but unfortunately our window is in the ceiling.
How big is the space you need to organise your office in?
Decide what you need
Before you decide that the space you choose to organise your office in is the best one you need to also think about all the things that you will need to work comfortably and efficiently in your home office.
To work I only need my laptop, a notebook and a pen but hubby has lots of other things that he needs to have around him. His job is more complex than mine so he needs more things.
Decide if you need a telephone installed or if your mobile one is enough for you and make sure your desk chair has enough space to move.
When deciding how big and wide your desks needs to be decide if you also need a writing space next to your desktop computer or laptop or not. The desk should also be the right height for you to comfortably do your work on.
If you need space for extra materials like books and supplies the best thing will be to instal some shelves on the wall above the desk. Like this they will be in reaching distance and will not crowd the space on your desk either.

You also need to find a chair that is comfortable to work from. Put a lot of thought into it and choose a chair that has the right height and one that provides a proper back and arm support. Being comfortable in your desk chair is very important when you have to spend hours on it. We all know how bad the back pains can get when you work in an uncomfortable position.
I sometimes use a small footstool to put my fit up as well as sometimes might feet can go dead. I got used to using one when I was pregnant and since then I can hardly give up to it.
There are lots of options nowadays for ergonomic office chairs for all budgets and tastes so you will only need to give it a try.
Personalise it to you own taste
I like to think that the space I work in as my space. The place where I can do the things that are only my own far away from my busy household so it is very important to also love the space I work in.
I like to make it colourful – as much as I can – and I also have a diffuser for my Doterra oils. I diffuse oils to inspire me like lemon, grapefruit or passion.
But there are things you can do in order to make it your own too:
Add Colour to your workspace and like this you can make it more inviting and pleasant
Give it a personal note by adding a picture with your loved ones next or on your desk depending on how much space you have.
Keep a memento nearby to remind yourself how far you’ve come – a diploma or an award you won.
Add a visual reminder of what excites you about your work. I love connecting with people inside my computer and on social media. I love helping people by sharing the right information and by being here for them to talk to if they need it. But I also love that the work I do helps me be at home when my daughters need me so a picture with all of us together is all I need.
By planning your home office space, getting it organised, and decorating it to express who you are, you’ll enjoy it more.
Your work will be better, you’ll appreciate being at home, and you’ll have the perfect place to work—your home.
How would you organise a home office at home?
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