3 Ways to Keep Kids Active During the Summer Holidays

3 Ways to Keep Kids Active During the Summer Holidays

 Summer holidays are great, because more sunshine means more time outside, instead of being crowded inside with toys and gadgets! 

For children, their school holidays are often what makes their childhood. If not planned carefully, however, the costs of various events and activities can add up very quickly! It’s no surprise that boredom and spending extra money around the holidays can cause a strain on even the happiest of families. Time off school can also mean that kids forget how to learn. Don’t let your kids become TV zombies! 

Here are some fun, inexpensive (and some FREE!)  summer projects and activities for children, to help them to learn, develop, and play creatively during their long summer break.

Put on a Show!

A group of children with different gifts and talents will all find their moment to shine during this activity. It can be messy, but an awful lot of fun for everyone involved (including adults watching!) as well as being a wonderful way for the children to use their imagination

The children can make their own puppets using various tools and props. They can get creative by inventing new characters or creating puppets of friends and family they know. 

Encourage them to write their own scripts or improvise dialogue. They will develop their language and writing skills, as well as improving their confidence in talking to groups of people. 

Why not make a whole afternoon of fun for everyone? Have the children make invitations to their show, and programmes for the performance running order. This will add to the excitement, as they show off their work. 

Garden parties 

Another event for both kids and adults to enjoy. Summer days mean longer days, which means the perfect excuse for an outside party. BBQs, drinks, and games can be a lot to organise and clean up afterwards, however. 

Proud gardeners need not worry about the lawns being destroyed by ball games, choreography sessions, or giant garden games for the kids and adults to enjoy together.

New Lawn Artificial Grass Ltd has a huge range of easy to maintain, realistic-looking artificial lawns, which are safe for children and pets, as well as keeping your garden looking lush. Bringing people together to socialise creates its own fun. 

Get the kids involved with the preparation. Why not let them choose the snacks that they and their friends will share together? 

Go for outdoor adventures

A great day out doesn’t have to be expensive or planned in too much detail. Going for a walk in picturesque woodland, or chilling with a picnic by the sea on a summer’s day, can be an idyllic way to spend a day with the family.

There are some great family friendly walks which teach the children about wildlife, geography and different forms of terrain in fun ways!  Little legs can get tired, though, so plan for snack stops and photo opportunities to enjoy the scenery.  

The most important thing to remember is that childhood doesn’t last long, so have fun with the children.

The holidays are about fun and spending quality time together creating happy memories for years to come. 

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