Making the most of your morning routine

Making The Most Of Your Morning Routine

Many of us don’t take advantage of how a great start in the morning can have an impact on our days. We can sometimes turn over and take more enjoyment hitting the snooze button on the alarm every five minutes. Only to rush and get up at the last minute. This can then have a negative effect on our days; it can be like a set of domino’s all falling one after the other. 

Now more than ever routine is important, especially if your life has changed because of the recent global pandemic. You may be working from home, homeschooling children or simply having to change the way you do things because of new guidelines on social istancining. The world has changed, and it is now even more essential for us to take better care of ourselves as we navigate our lives.

Your morning routine can be a simple and easy way to set you off in the right way. To give you focus on your mindset, to help you to feel good about things and more importantly to feel positive. IN an uncertain world it is important for you to have the right frame of mind. With that in mind, here are some of the ways you can start your morning the right way. By making a few active changes, you may find you see a difference in your whole day.    

A good morning coffee

There is nothing quite like having a sip of good coffee in the morning. The caffeine can perk you up, and you can feel ready for the day. Some people feel like they can’t function without that morning cup. You may want to enjoy it in the kitchen, in bed or even outside. However you do, make sure you savour the moment.

If you are a real coffee lover then you may want to consider investing in a coffee machine. You can get some excellent coffee and beans online such as espresso coffee beans that can really pack a punch. Some would say that there is nothing quite like that first cup of coffee of the day. Take the time to enjoy it and don’t rush it. 

Stretch your muscles

As soon as you get out of bed, take that moment to have a good stretch. It will allow the blood to start pumping round your body and will indicate to your brain it’s time to get moving. Your muscles may feel stiff after sleeping in a certain position all night. It doesn’t have to be anything too strenuous. Just by stretching your arms high and to the side would be great. Move your neck and head from side to side. Give yourself one last stretch up tall when you stand. Small things like this can have a positive impact on your body, and help to slowly wake you up to start your day. 

Plan your day in advance 

To get your morning off on the right note, it might be a good idea to plan your day the very best that you can. You may take enjoyment out of this by doing it the night before enabling you to see it as a brain dump so your mind is at rest at night. Or you may feel it is more productive for you to do it in the morning. Plan your day and be aware of appointments and things you need to do.

You could write. a list of the things that need to be done as well as itemise the times that you might need to adhere to. You could plan all of the meal times or loosely make a note of what you want or need to do. The important thing is to be mindful of what works for you, so if that is a lot of lists then go for it, or if that is alerts on your phone then use them. PLanning can help you to stay productive and get your day off to a great start.

Take some exercise


Taking exercise in the morning can be the perfect time to get your daily dose in. You might want to use this time to go for a run while the streets will be quiet, or put on a workout on your tv or laptop. Even just doing 20 minutes in the morning will have a positive effect on you. You will feel more alert and awake, ready for the day ahead.

Many people say that exercise in the morning is the ultimate way to start your day. You can feel full of energy and it stops you from feeling guilty about not taking exercise if you miss it at any point. Kick start your day with a big bundle of energy. 

Start your day earlier

It may seem so tempting to keep pressing the snooze button on your alarm, but you are doing more harm than good. Waking up when you first wake up is the best way. Dozing can make you more sleepy and even make your feel worse in a morning than just getting up. Getting up earlier may give you a chance to tackle some chores, or allow you to even eat breakfast before your day starts.

Many people with children or busy jobs benefit from an earlier start. It gives you a chance to plan your day, get ahead and even do things like journaling which can help with your mindset. Others may use the opportunity to mediate and set the tone for the day. It’s worth trying it and seeing how different you feel. 

Get some fresh air

Finally getting a good dose of vitamin d in the morning is a great way to start your day. If the sun isn’t out, the fresh air will awaken your senses. You could use the time to drink your morning coffee outside or even just when you head out for a run. However you do it, make sure you get outside first thing. You will feel much more awake. 


Let’s hope this helps you start your morning right. 


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