Why It's Never Too Late To Prepare For Winter

Why It’s Never Too Late To Prepare For Winter

You might think that the summer days haven’t quite ended and you are eager to enjoy the last of the balmy weather in your garden. However, you should begin thinking about how best to protect your home this winter. Cold weather, while it may seem pretty far off, can make your humble abode a little less resilient to the elements. It’s vital that you have the maintenance of your home at the forefront of your mind. Act now and you won’t be stuck with a costly bill come the holiday season. Take a look at how you can make your home fit for winter.


The pipework of your dwelling is a crucial part of the infrastructure of your home. If you suffer a particularly cold snap in winter, you run the risk of your pipes freezing. While this in itself isn’t too treacherous, the speed at which they warm back up can be. This can result in your pipes shattering or busting, meaning that you will be left without heating and hot water. You may even need to purchase a new boiler should the worst happen. To combat this, think about putting your heating on for ten minutes a day from October time. This means your pipes will get up and running again slowly before the winter onslaught begins. Preparation for your pipework is key.


Your boiler may not be utilized too much throughout the summer months. However, during winter, your boiler becomes the workhorse of your home. To ensure that it remains in tip-top condition, ensure that you get it serviced annually. This checks the pipes, the connections and gas safety. Should you lose your hot water, you may need to click here to check out the latest continuous flow hot water systems and heaters. A service will pick up any issues so you aren’t left without heat in the chillier months.

If you want to give your boiler a bit of a break and make it more efficient, think about picking up a smart thermostat. This can be WiFi-enabled, meaning that you can control the heating of your home from anywhere in the world. If it is a particularly warm day and you are at work, you can lower the thermostat in your house resulting in a more energy-efficient home that saves you money.


Look up and check your roof tiles. Any that are slipped might not cause much of an issue when the weather is dry, humid and balmy, but when the rain begins, you may find leaks appearing in your home. Leaks are relatively easy to fix but if damp sets into your joists and timber you could be in for a hefty bill to replace your woodwork. Rotten wood smells and makes the structural integrity of your home unstable. Replace your roof tiles now for very little money rather than putting this job off. You can even do it yourself if it’s simply one or two tiles here and there. For larger sections of roof, get a professional in to ensure the correct sealant and slate is utilized.

Don’t leave it until winter to get your home ready for the colder months. Get your home fit for winter today.

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