Keep warm and keep costs down this winter with these 5 winter saving hacks

You might be mourning the passing of the summer months, but with winter on the way, there’s more to look forward to than you might think. Crisp air, winter walks, cosy nights in and of course the festive season – you don’t have to hunker down and hibernate just yet.

Sadly, one element of winter that many of us don’t look forward to, is the cost. We’re using the heating more, our lights are on longer and because we’re spending more time indoors, we’re using more electricity and eating more food.

Here we’ll take a look at how you can keep warm and keep costs down this winter with these 5 winter saving hacks.

Get a new boiler

How old is your current boiler? If it’s not efficient enough it may not be heating your home adequately and it’ll be costing you more money than it should! Investing in a new boiler will certainly help to keep your heating costs down, however, the savings don’t have to start there. Click the link
for the latest new boiler deals and what you should look for when finding an updated heating system for your home.

Finding the right deal for you and your property could mean a better guarantee, longer warranties and boiler protection packages, so it pays to shop around before you commit to a new boiler.

Say no to standby

When did we get into the habit of leaving items turned on? Believe it or not, when you leaving your electricals on standby, you’re not actually turning them off. That means your TV, laptop, phone chargers, microwaves and even your electric toothbrush charger is still using energy. Switching off
your appliances at the mains and then removing the plug from the socket ensures that your electricals are no longer in use and you’re not paying for a complete waste of energy.

Bleed your radiators

A new boiler – no matter how cost-effective – is useless if your radiators are blocked with trapped air or gas. If your radiator is cold at the top but hot at the bottom of the unit then it could be a sign of an insufficient heating system. Bleeding your radiators should resolve this issue if you’re still
experiencing problems reach out to a gas engineer.

Thicker curtains

The dark nights are the perfect opportunity to make your home cosy and warm, and one of the best ways to keep costs down and keep warm is by upgrading your curtains. You’ll be losing a huge amount of heat through your windows, so it’s important to keep that warm air inside. Thick, lined
curtains will help combat heat loss and they’ll add an extra layer of comfort and cosiness to your living room. Remember, close your curtains as soon as it begins to get dark, but keep them open during the day so your home can be heated with sunlight, naturally.

And finally, add a rug

Much like your windows, you could also be losing heat through your floor. Adding an additional layer by introducing a rug to various rooms of your home will help keep your feet warm and the heat inside your property.

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