3 Tips for Staying Healthy When Working From Home
Even before the global pandemic shook our lives up, the traditional working structure was on the way out. In previous decades, it was a given that workers would commute to the office, clock in at nine, fulfill their eight-hour obligation, then head home. And repeat, day-in, day-out. But more and more companies have been realizing the benefits of a more flexible working pattern. Allowing employees more freedom to work from home, adopt flexible hours, and manage their own schedules.
With the coronavirus pandemic forcing hordes of people to work from home rather than risking a trip to the office, remote working is fast becoming the norm. And why not? Studies show that a flexible work structure makes people happier, less stressed, and more productive. It’s a win-win situation.
If you have started working from home in the past year, you probably enjoyed the novelty at first. The fact that you could get up later, wear what you want, and do everything from the comfort of your sofa. But despite all its benefits, remote working can lull you into a false sense of security. If done right, it can be enormously beneficial. But if you’re not careful it can be incredibly damaging to your health. For one thing, it’s harder to draw a line between your work and home life, making it difficult to wind down and relax. If left unchecked, this can play havoc with your stress levels. You’re spending less time outside and more time sitting down, which is a recipe for poor health.
Fortunately, it is possible to make the most of your remote working situation while looking after your mind and body. Here are three tips for staying healthy when working from home.
Set boundaries
When your home and office are the same place, you need better strategies to separate the two. Otherwise, you will end up working into the early hours and sending emails on weekends. Try to follow a routine in your workday, setting a fixed time to begin and end work. As soon as your day is over, close your laptop, turn off notifications, and forget the job until the next morning. You have more free time, so use this for the things that bring you happiness, like spending time with your kids or indulging in self-care.
Sit correctly
Sitting in front of a computer for eight hours a day is terrible for your health at the best of times, but if you’re laying down in bed or sprawled on the sofa with your laptop, you’ll be doing a lot more harm to your body. The best thing you can do is to invest in a high-quality ergonomic desk chair to promote better posture and protect your neck and back. Your computer should be properly aligned with your field of vision so you’re not straining to see your work. Check the correct height for computer desk here.
Get outside
Now that you don’t have to go into the office, you’re spending a lot more time indoors. As a result, you might be less physically active and putting yourself at risk of weight gain and other illnesses. Make an effort to get outside for a walk, run, bike ride, or another form of exercise each day. Your body will benefit from the activity, while your mental health will thrive from being out in nature.