4 Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home

4 Easy Ways To Refresh Your Home

Unless you’re a mouse, it’s unlikely that you find clutter comforting and cozy. Living in an untidy and disordered environment can make us feel stressed and anxious. Not only does the sight of it make us unhappy, but it also gets in our way and slows us down. We all know that feeling of trying to leave the house on time can only be delayed by a lengthy search for keys, money, or that other shoe.

So, just as messy and chaotic living space can make us feel stressed, a clean and clear environment can do wonders for our mental state, making us feel calm, happy, and positive. So how can you clear the clutter from your life and get that positive energy flowing? Read on to find out.

Start Small

Facing a house full of clutter to tackle can feel daunting, and you might give up before you’ve begun. The trick is to start small. Maybe it’s that bulging tray full of paperwork you’ve meant to deal with? An overflowing underwear drawer? If you set yourself the task of completing one small decluttering job every week, you’ll soon see a difference.

If you prefer big projects to focus on, focus on things that need doing. Like fitting a new heating and cooling system, for example, you can use your time well instead of trying to find new unnecessary furniture.

Sometimes, it’s also true that new installations might not be as important as fixing what’s already there. Restoring a blocked-up fireplace and chimney can be a great way to add value to a room while cultivating a feature that was already there. You might have a few of these around your home, particularly if it’s relatively old and has been renovated a few times. Foundational repairs, such as using an essential ceiling fixer, can also work absolute wonders for the functionality and aesthetic of your interior.

Apply The One–Year Rule

Even if you’re a reasonably tidy person, you’ll probably have a cupboard of shame, where you cram all the things that you don’t know what to do with. Or maybe it’s your loft, stuffed with rubbish you’re clinging on to in case you might need it someday? If you haven’t used an item in a year, then it’s doubtful that you’re going to use it again. Bag it up, take it to a charity shop, pop it on eBay and make yourself some extra cash.

De-cluttering guru Marie Kondo recommends only keeping items that spark joy. A great tip and one that will definitely motivate you to get rid of those thirty-three phone chargers you’ve been holding on to for no particular reason.

Do Not Buy Anything That Doesn’t Add Value

The best way to get rid of clutter is to stop bringing it home in the first place. You can easily create more space in your home by getting rid of stuff. If you have children, you might be facing an uphill battle as they bring in countless pieces of artwork from school or plastic rubbish from every party they go to. 

If you’re a shopaholic, think carefully about your purchases. Anything you buy will need a place in your home. Do you need another pair of boots? If you do, then make sure you give your old ones away to make room for them.

Tidy up your finances

It’s not just your home that can benefit from de-cluttering; it’s essential to get your finances in order too. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t know what their bank balance is from day-to-day, or you have five different accounts, you probably feel quite stressed when you think about money. You might even be missing repayments due to your lack of organization. The first step is making sure that you’ve registered for online banking and have downloaded your bank’s app so you can quickly check your balance. 

Armed with these tips, you should be able to remove clutter from your life, meaning a happier, calmer you and a hopefully a Zen-like existence. 

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