The Top 5 Things Men Worry About as They Age
Men are affected by a number of health conditions, such as low testosterone and prostate cancer – along with a few more that affect both genders. Of course, some of these issues concern men more than others. So with that in mind, we thought we’d look at those health problems that worry men the most.
Prostate Problems
Current estimates are that one in nine men will develop this form of cancer during their lifetime, with many more – around 50 per cent of men aged 51 to 60 – having a noncancerous enlargement of that same organ, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Prostate cancer treatment can vary. Some healthcare providers may advise the watchful waiting approach, as it has a tendency for slow growth. The good news is that many men who suffer from prostate cancer survive it.
There are various prostate cancer screening tests available. Many healthcare providers recommended one of the best things to do is to take prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests on a regular basis, I.e. every year between the ages of 45 and 50.
The tests may show an early detection, which is required to prevent this condition from turning into a life-threatening one.
If there’s a history of this disease in your family, or if there’s at least one risk factor present, you should discuss screening options with your doctor.
Sexual Function
We spend more money on treating erectile dysfunction (ED) than any other health issue, even though it isn’t life-threatening.
Many men enjoy sex and wish to continue having it for a long as they can. Testosterone loss is natural as we get older, however, and it can reduce motivation, well-being, and, of course, sex drive.
Fortunately, you can begin your fight against testosterone loss without medication, by changing your diet, i.e. eating zinc- and protein-rich foods.
It can also help to make changes to your lifestyle, especially making an effort to relieve stress, spending time being outdoors, and increasing your exercise. You can discuss such things as your risk factor for erectile dysfunction.
Pay a visit to your doctor if you’re concerned about your testosterone levels.
Dementia and Other Cognitive Disorders
The thought of losing cognitive function is a scary one for many men. They often start to develop this concern when they see their own elders, or their friends’ parents, living with Alzheimer’s, stroke, dementia, or other problems that cause cognitive or memory loss.
The mechanics of these issues aren’t well understood at this point, stroke aside. Research suggests, however, that it helps if you keep your mind active.
You can do this by remaining socially connected, working on puzzles, and playing games. It keeps your neural system’s pathways running smoothly for longer.
Circulatory Health
Circulatory issues encompass two of the top 10 causes of death for men in the U.S.. So most people in the country have lost a parent or a grandparent to such issues. Circulatory problems can begin early with blood pressure or high cholesterol before developing into issues that are more serious.
You can make improvements to your circulatory health by doing two these two actions: keep a frequent eye on things and perform regular cardio exercise.
So visit your doctor every year to check your vital signs, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, when you can get them compared to previous readings. You should also perform moderate aerobic workouts three to four times a week, with each workout lasting 20 to 40 minutes.
Arthritis and Joint Issues
These problems are troubling for men that wish to maintain independence and mobility – especially athletes or those with a very active lifestyle.
Some extreme athletic activities some men perform when they’re in their teens and 20s play a role in the occurrence of joint pain later in life. Men who work with their bodies or hands can also perceive a risk to their livelihood many years prior to them reaching retirement age.
While you can’t avoid some age-related joint deterioration, there’s a lot you can do to make improvements to your joint health through diet and lifestyle.
Don’t put it off. See your doctor about joint pain early and frequently, so that your treatment can begin before the situation becomes a chronic one.
Another thing you can consider is easing your exercise to moderate, regular exercise as you near 40. This is healthier for your joints than more rigorous activities you may be used to.
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