ctive Ways to Improve Your Home's Kerb Appeal

Effective Ways to Improve Your Home’s Kerb Appeal

Chances are you’ve spent heaps of time on your hoe’s interior decor, picking out the perfect shades of paint for every room, agonising over the right fabrics for the curtains and other soft furnishings, and meticulously choosing the ideas kitchen cabinets to match the rest of your home amongst other things., But how much time have you spent on the exterior?

Most of us will do a little bit of sprucing to ensure the outside of our home does not look too shabby, but many of us do not take the time to ensure that the exterior is every bit as clean, stylish and curated to our tastes as the interior decor. 

It’s time to change that by improving your home’s kerb appeal right now. Doing so will not only make your home look better for you and your family, but it will also help to attract any future buyers too.

Okay, but how exactly do you improve kerb appeal?

Clean and/or paint the walls

Even if it’s small in compassion to some homes, your house is going to be pretty big and if it is dirty or unkempt, it will be a pretty big eyesore. So, state by power washing the exterior walls of your home. You may also want to give it a fresh lick of paint in an inviting colour like white, cream or even pastel blue so that it looks clean, stylish and well looked after.

Paint the doors

If your front and back doors are looking a bit shabby, a new lick of paint will totally transform them too. Choose a colour that is different to, but which compliments your walls and it will really stand out in the best possible way

After painting, you may also want to swap out old door furniture like knockers and letterboxes for modern versions. Brass always looks suitably sophisticated but choose door furniture that is most in fitting with the character of your home for best results.

Swap the garage for a carport

Garages are often necessary for keeping the car safe from the elements, but they can be pretty ugly. If you can afford to do so, getting the professional carport builder in to come up with a custom carport collusion that, not only matches but enhances your home’s exterior is a great way to deal with the big, ugly problem.

Plant some flowers

Flowers are colourful, attractive and beautifully scented, so an easy way to improve your home’s kerb appeal is to plant them along the driveway, place pots of them on either side of the doorways and anywhere else you fancy. Weed them regularly and ensure that the surrounding lawn is in good condition too, and your home will look perfectly manicured and inviting.

Clean the windows

Keeping the windows clean will ensure that your property looks fresh and clean frot eh outside, which makes it a more inviting place to enter, and it will also make the exterior look better too, so it is essential that you do so regularly.


Kerb appeal is important, so be sure to give it some thought!

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