Summer Deep Cleaning Jobs To Carry Out Now

It’s easy to find reasons to put off housework. From a lack of time to needing the right weather, some jobs end up at the bottom of the to-do list month after month. But with summer here, it’s the perfect time of year to tackle some of your trickier chores and help give your home that summer fresh feeling.

Ready to get to work? Here are some summer deep cleaning jobs to carry out now. 

Deep clean your floors

Summer is a fantastic time to deep clean your floors. Doing your flooring in the summer reduces the risk of undoing your hard work with wet, muddy footprints, while also ensuring they dry quicker. From carpet cleaning to a thorough clean of your hard floors, your home will look fresh and clean with the help of your spotless floors. You won’t want to let anyone in your home when you’re finished!

Clear out the chimney

Cleaning a chimney isn’t an easy task – you need to prepare for a lot of mess. But it’s an important job, as it can help maintain fire safety and prepare your home for winter. Hiring a chimney sweep now is a great move, as you’ll be able to avoid some of the odors that come with chimney cleaning, and gives you plenty of time to get it sorted before you need to use it. It’s one of those jobs that’s easy to forget about, but is absolutely one to include in your summer cleaning checklist.

Clean the drapes and other textiles

Some of the most challenging things to clean in your home are difficult because of their size and the amount of time they take to dry. This can include your drapes, rugs, throws and other large items. Whether you clean them yourself or you get them professionally cleaned, summer is the perfect time to get it done, adding freshness to your home, and drying the same day so you can put them back in their place.

Launder your bedding

Your bedding needs regular cleaning to help keep it smelling fresh, while maintaining hygiene. Laundering your bedding can be difficult, especially when you need it to dry quickly. Getting it done during the summer means it will dry easily, and you may not need your regular pillows or comforter during the hotter evenings. Nothing will feel better than getting into bed to crisp, fresh bedding for a dreamy night’s sleep. Try using some lavender-scented products to help you enjoy a wonderful restful sleep.

Deep cleaning your home in the summer can be much more enjoyable than at other times of the year. The longer, brighter days can lift your mood, giving you the boost you need to tackle those deep cleans. It’s a good time to look at the areas in your home that need deep cleaning and get to work. Take advantage of the morning sun and get an early start, so you can enjoy the rest of the day in your sparkling home.

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