Pregnancy diary week 35
There are only 5 weeks left to my due date! Where did the time go? Why is time passing so quick? In a way I am looking forward to the end if tis…
Pregnancy diary week 33
Guess what? I have some new pictures with my bump! Thanks to my husband that is! Hubby took quite a few pictures but i really don’t like how i look in any of…
Pregnancy diary week 31
I still didn’t take any pictures with me and the bump. I need to blame my hubby for this actually. I actually thought that I will have lots by now considering that my…
Birth, babies and a doula
My daughter was born following an emergency c-section. I was really disappointed that I was unable to give birth naturally and in water as I wanted to. You might ask why? Well it…
My take on C-section
When I heard the news regarding the C-section I was a bit puzzled as I did not expect this to happen in UK. They are saying the cost will be huge and that…