Carrot Easter Cake
Happy Easter to all that celebrate Easter today! The Romanian Easter (orthodox) is in a months time on 5th of May but as we are in England we are still celebrating it with…
Easter pancakes
No I haven’t gone mad ;-). I just had to think of something Easter like to cook instead of hot crossed buns this morning (our shopping arrives tonight only). You know my…
Paste Fericit!
Paste Fericit/ Happy Easter to all orthodox out there! Hope you all have a fantastic day and you will spend it with family and friends. Easter is about love and forgiveness so be…
Palm Day (Flowers Day)
Happy Easter to all of you that celebrate Easter today! Â In the orthodox religion Easter is next week Sunday. Today however we celebrate “Palm Day” or Flowers Day. This was initially dedicated to…
Cooking potato stew with Cirio
“Cirio” is a brand that has an extensive range of chopped and peeled tomatoes, purees, and passatas. It is actually the no. 1 brand in Italy.We love tomatoes in our house and have…
Easter sadness…
Easter is just around the corner. This year unfortunately the Easter in England and the Orthodox Easter are on different dates. It might not be a big deal for most of you but…
Build-a-Bear Workshop Fun Packs
I think everybody knows the Build-a-Bear shops – Especially parents of little kids. The other week we took my daughter to visit one of these shops. She loved it. They were so many…