First baby vending machine from Ella’s Kitchen
I think Ella’s Kitchen had a great idea with this new vending machine! It is first of it’s kind for kids and I would love to see one of them in the train…
Munchy Biccies by Ella’s Kitchen
          My lovelies today i want to introduce to you to the brand new Munchy Biccies from Ella’s Kitchen..They are indeed scrummy and my boogie loved them. The lovely people from Ella’s Kitchen…
Nibbly Fingers from Ella’s Kitchen
I am always on the look for good ideas for healthy nibbles that I can take with me when I am out and about with my daughter. Boogie is two and a half…
Eat veg’ with Tasty Tunes
Ella’s Kitchen products always been at a great value in my family! Boogie enjoyed eating them and I was very happy that she did because I believe in their products and that mean…
Ella’s Kitchen Organic Baby Food
Today we finally received the Ella’s Kitchen products to review! Oh my God! I really didn’t expect to receive so many! I don’t know if i ever said that before but my daughter…