4 simple ways to keep your body healthy this year
Who doesn’t want good health all year round? It doesn’t matter how old you are, how many times a week you hit the gym or how many kids you’re chasing around on a…
Halloween Cake Pops
Not long now ’till Halloween and my girls (especially the eldest) kept asking for desserts to celebrate the day so as I received some delicious Hadleigh Maid’s Baking Buttons I thought I used them in…
Ilumi – Delicious food for pleasure and wellbeing
It wont kill you that’s for sure!Ilumi – Delicious foods for pleasure and wellbeing. Yup folks, this week I have been trying out some new food from the Ilumi company. Ilumi make allergen-free…
Easter pancakes
No I haven’t gone mad ;-). I just had to think of something Easter like to cook instead of hot crossed buns this morning (our shopping arrives tonight only). You know my…
Jordans cereals – a review
Before I moved to London almost 7 years ago I rarely had any cereals for breakfast. And when I did I just had the old boring cornflakes. In Romania we usually eat other…
Pasta with chicken and broccoli
These days is quite hard to include vegetables in my daughters diet. She suddenly became a bit fussy when it comes to eating. But she loves pasta so a couple of days ago…
Wholegrain Goodness Challenge
I’m happy to let you all know that I’m taking part in the “Wholegrain Goodness Challenge” hosted by Mumsnet. Here is what the team at Wholegrain Goodness have to say about this challenge:”Most of…