A holiday with my daughters
These days (since we moved back home anyway) we go on holiday as a family when daddy has a holiday from work. But as he is not coming until august this summer I…
My living arrows
Period, depression and moody kids is not a good combination I know. As I said earlier I am struggling at the moment but if it wasn’t for my kids I think I would’ve…
Funny talk
As we don’t know what we are expecting we decided to find names for both:boy and girl. We already have some but as it happens my cousin called him boy the name we…
Morrisons Savers Summer
As you know i am pregnant and not up to a lot of things this summer. Last summer we went camping quite a lot and my daughter loved it. However this summer we…
New app – Bob the Builder
There is no surprise for you my readers anymore. When it comes to apps my daughter is like a little addict. She always wants more and more apps to play on my Iphone…
Words of Wisdom 28/5
We were blessed with a really nice weather in London for the past week. Finally the long waited summer arrived and it was really hot as well! I’m sure you all enjoyed it…
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Words of Wisdom 4/3
New beginnings…Life never stays the same..is always changing…sometimes into good and sometimes into bad things. My hubby started a new job today which is a good thing. However by taking a pay cut…