6 Ways To Enjoy Spending Time In Your Garden During The Winter
Just because the weather is cooling down and the days are getting shorter doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your garden until next spring. With a little bit of creativity and…
Beautifully Simple Ways To Set Your Garden Apart
Most of us would put outside space high on our list of property ‘must-haves.’ Yet, when it comes to owning our first gardens, many of us are surprised by the sheer amount of…
Choosing a tree that is suitable for an urban garden
If you have a garden that is big enough, it really is worth considering planting a tree or two. Doing so will enhance your garden as well as help the planet. But, you…
Garden furniture – dreaming of summer
The cold weather is still here so kids spend a lot of time indoors and that can feel quite crowded sometimes, Toys everywhere and a lot of havoc…This is why I love the…
Enjoying Outdoors
I am so happy that my daughters get to spend so much time outside and so close to their grandparents. A couple of days ago my mother was cutting the grass in the…
These last couple of week I’ve been really quiet I know and I apologise for it. You see I am trying to finally get a driving license so this is what kept me…
Spring is in my garden
Spring is here now. Cold days , warm days , hot days..they alternate and I never know how should i dress myself or the girls. There are days when I am scared to…