Sisters 1/2017
I really missed looking back at my siblings/sisters posts at the end of last year. Half way through 2016 I simple stopped posting pictures with my girls and reviewing their month. So this year i…
My daughter’s sadness
This past week was full of mixed feelings. I am talking about myself mainly here…but I am also talking about my eldest that gets really sad when talking to her daddy sometimes. Well…she…
Living Arrows #4
This last week both girls have been kind of ill so unlike the other week we spent quite a lot of time indoors. The weather is kind of nasty anyway…cold…and rainy…not really the…
Getting used to new things
I’m taking lots of pictures at the moment. Especially with Baby Anastasia. The majority are when she is asleep even though it doesn’t happen very often 🙂 We are still trying to get…
My daughter – Miss K
 My baby daughter is 2 today…how fast the time passes is really amazing! She is so beautiful and she knows so many things. 2 years since i was pregnant! I remember that i…