Capture the colour by Kara
When i first heard about the Capture the colour competition i thought: Wow how cool! Kara loves taking pictures and i am sure she would absolutely love to explore her surroundings and take…
Kara first day of nursery school in pictures
It is also time to vote your favourite European Blogger on the Circle of Mums website. Looks like this year someone added me again as an entrant. Woop woop! Last year i was…
#Instahuntaug – my favourites
At some point during the month of august i joined an instagram challenge started by the lovely Cat Parrott – #instahuntaug. It’s been lovely to take part and to check out the others…
Video time: Saturday is caption day
Every week when is time for the #SatCap i am posting pictures with my girls. Almost every week really….hope is not very boring for you. This week however i am choosing to post…
The days of our lives
Since my leg is in a cast we spend most days in the house. One reason will be that I can’t carry Anastasia in my arms so when my parents are not at…