Live Twitter Birth: A step too far?
The third birth story featured on the blog comes from lovely Alice that blogs over at My life my son my way. I met Alice over a year ago at a blogging event…
Pregnancy diary 38 weeks
For about a week and a half now the Braxton Hicks I am experiencing got stronger and stronger. My baby moves lots as well although the space is not as big. It feels…
Pregnancy diary 36 weeks
Phew! The only way I can describe the way I feel at the moment is by saying “phew”! I’m so out of breath is unbelievable! Even eating has become a struggle! It feels…
Pregnancy diary week 35
There are only 5 weeks left to my due date! Where did the time go? Why is time passing so quick? In a way I am looking forward to the end if tis…
Pregnancy diary week 33
Guess what? I have some new pictures with my bump! Thanks to my husband that is! Hubby took quite a few pictures but i really don’t like how i look in any of…
Pregnancy diary week 32
First of all today is my husband birthday so i want to wish him “Happy Birthday”!!! I love you lots and I hope our relationship will be as strong for many years to…
Pregnancy diary – 28 weeks
The weather is really nice this weekend isn’t it? Very sunny and hot. You wouldn’t think this is september in London. Anyway my week was…I’m not sure how to describe it…it was a…