Pregnancy diary week 39 – short version
I can’t believe I’m 39 weeks pregnant! I actually thought that this baby will arrive early…but this baby girl is exactly like her sister so she will probably arrive on her due date…
Baby essentials discovered at the Baby Show
A couple of weeks ago we went to The Baby Show at Earl’s Court. The weather wasn’t especially nice so we thought we would look at it as a day out. Plus with…
Dr.Adam Urato New study – Avoid Antidepressants During Pregnancy
Yesterday evening I was invited by Huffington Post to take part in a live interview via Google + hangouts with DR. Adam Urato and two other mums that suffered of depression during pregnancy…
Pregnancy diary 36 weeks
Phew! The only way I can describe the way I feel at the moment is by saying “phew”! I’m so out of breath is unbelievable! Even eating has become a struggle! It feels…
Pregnancy diary week 33
Guess what? I have some new pictures with my bump! Thanks to my husband that is! Hubby took quite a few pictures but i really don’t like how i look in any of…
Pregnancy diary week 31
I still didn’t take any pictures with me and the bump. I need to blame my hubby for this actually. I actually thought that I will have lots by now considering that my…
Pregnancy diary – 27 weeks
Today I am starting my 28th week of pregnancy but I am actually exactly 27 weeks today. I feel….tired. But that’s no surprise is it?!? I’m on my 3rd trimester so it’s understandable.…