Miss Anna by Anna Lou of London Jewellery for Miss Kara
As you might already know from reading this blog it was my eldest girl Kara birthday a couple of weeks ago. She turned 5 and she is more of a little lady than…
Joules: Dress in beautiful colours
Just before Christmas my girls received some really nice dresses from Joules – beautiful flowery dresses that just put a smile on every little girl face: Girls Long Sleeve Jersey Dress, Yellow Posy Baby Girls…
Barbie Hairtastic Colour and Design (Review)
When you have kids buying them toys can be quite an expensive business. These days there are so many adverts on the channels with cartoons it is just impossible to say No to…
Hamster Buggy Bags Review
Travelling with a child is never easy. Until now whenever i was going out with my youngest i would put her in the big pram/pushchair as she was still a baby. However time…
Heinz Baby Pouches (Review)
We are a family that loves to be out and about but with two kids under 5 can be difficult. You can’t always find a place to warm the food you are caring…
Back To School with Stuck On You
When you have kids you start to realise that all those shops that sale labels and tags are actually very useful. Especially when your kids start nursery or school that is. These days…
How to love ironing with Tefal’s new range of Smart Technology Steam Generators
Ironing is not a thing I like talking about. My grandmother use to teach me how to iron when i was a kid. Well almost a teenager really. She used to be obsessed…