Sisters – January
A couple of years ago I was taking part in a photography blog meme along with other mummy bloggers. Unfortunately last year I stopped doing it and now looking back I really regret…
Sisters 1/2017
I really missed looking back at my siblings/sisters posts at the end of last year. Half way through 2016 I simple stopped posting pictures with my girls and reviewing their month. So this year i…
Sisters in June – travelling by train and a wedding in Bucharest
Almost a month since I last wrote on this blog…Time moves way to fast at the moment and I seem unable to face it. Husband was home for the last three weeks as…
Sisters {May}
My dearest daughters, Watching you smile makes me realise how beautiful my life is. I love you both so much. How can I regret being here with you when the life you offer…
Sisters {April}
Almost two weeks since I last wrote here and a month since my husband went back to UK for work and things seem to be busier than ever. The girls were busy at…
Sisters {march}
There are truly no words to describe my love for my two girls. They are my world and the reason why I go on. Like any person suffering of depression my days are…
Sisters {Jan/Feb}
Over the last year my blog was not updated as it used to be but I want to start doing again and what better way to do it  than by telling you all…