Words of Wisdom 28/5
We were blessed with a really nice weather in London for the past week. Finally the long waited summer arrived and it was really hot as well! I’m sure you all enjoyed it…
Words of Wisdom 21/5
I am happy to write my WOW this week! I’m always happy to open myself to you..obviously the words of wisdom I choose every week reflect me and my feelings…sometimes they are good…
Words of Wisdom – 30/4
So what do I think about my last week? It wasn’t pretty let me tell you that. Felt a bit under the weather…and it was pretty ugly outside too…. I felt and feel…
Save the Children Conference
Holiday was nice and it was wonderful to see how much my daughter enjoy revisiting Romania and my parents. More about the way I felt at home in a future post. There are…
Words of Wisdom 2/4
Life is so precious! Every single second and minute should appreciated! We should try and make our life as happy and special as possible. On Saturday we lost someone really special-my father in…
I had such a full week and weekend. It was my daughter’s birthday yesterday plus Mother’s Day. The Words of Wisdom for today as you can imagine are about HAPPINESS: Â Happiness is…
Words of Wisdom 12/3
I had such a busy week! Last week i mean. Busy week but it felt like i didn’t achieve anything..work wise i mean. I spent a lovely day with my daughter on Saturday…