3 Tips for Staying Healthy When Working From Home
Even before the global pandemic shook our lives up, the traditional working structure was on the way out. In previous decades, it was a given that workers would commute to the office, clock…
Could Working from Home Be a Permanent Option for You?
When you have kids, you can often feel like you’re trying to juggle parenting and your career. You want to give your little ones the best upbringing possible, but you also want to…
Handling The Unexpected Issues That Come With Working From Home
As the world recovers from the wake of Covid-19, a lot of people are adjusting to the reality that they are going to be working from home from now on. Remote work has…
Working at home VS working away
It’s not the first time I am talking on this blog about my working status. You all know by now that for the past 4 years I’ve been at home looking after my…
Pregnancy diary week 20
Today I’m writing you after a day of not working… The past three nights were taking out of a nightmare. Slept around 3-4 hours each night between several trips to the toilet. Besides…