My Britmums Live! Meet and greet!

I’m getting really excited now! In only three days I will be participating at this fantastic event. I’ve not been tagged to write this post but I hope my friend Clare – A boy with Aspergers – will not mind if I butt in.With no further babbling from me here are her questions and my answers:Q: What’s your blog title/URL and how long have you been blogging?
A: My blog title is obviously “Romanian mum in London”, Been blogging for 1 year and 7 months.

Q: Will Britmums Live be your First blogging conference?
A: Yes it will be my first ever blogging conference at this

Q: Did you bag yourself a sponsor?
A: Nope. I will however get to meet Judy Murray for a one to one meeting. By the way if you have any questions to ask Andy’s mum just let me know.

Q: Are you attending both days?
A: Yes I’m attending Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about the conference?
A: Seeing Ruby Wax, Judy Murray and the opportunity to see my friends again. And of course meet new people too.

Q: Are you wearing Branded Clothing ( you’re sponsors brand)?
A: No.

Q: What is your planed style for this event?
A: Not sure…I was planning to be less fatter for Britmums but I am now pregnant so I stopped dieting when I found out I was pregnant 3 months ago. I will most probably wear a dress or a skirt and a top. Nothing very fancy though. Oh and I will certainly wear flats.

Q: Are you hoping to be nominated for a BiB award?
A: I was. Made the shortlist but didn’t go any further. Lots of lovely bloggers out there.

Q: If so what category?
A: It was the “Fresh Voice” category.

Q: Will you be looking to network with Brands?
A: Yes I will certainly try too. I am not a very talker but hopefully I will find the courage somehow,

Q: What do you hope to walk away having gained from the conference?
A: Knowledge and more friends.

Q: Will you be dressing up in the toilets for the Friday night BiBs?
A: Yes I will probably will.

Q: Are you speaking at the conference and if so when, where and how do you feel about doing so?
A: Nope I am not that famous. I will be terrified to speak in public anyway.

Q: Will you be joining in the early morning bloggercise on the Saturday?
A: I will certainly try but not sure it will happen. I’m planning to have a long sleep in my hotel bed.

Q: What speakers are you most looking forward to listening to?
A: Ruby Wax

Q: What workshops will you be attending on the Friday (Day 1)
A: Still not sure. I wish I could do them both. I am between “The clever way to write about parenting” and “How to take blogging to the next level”.

Q: What Workshops being held on the Saturday (Day 2) have grabbed your attention?
A: Blogging about food, blogging for the greater good,how to create an ebook,writing about life.

Q: Are u booked into a hotel for the Friday night, if yes which one?
A:Yes I am. The Travelodge hotel.

Q: Will you be looking for after party drinks.
A: Non-alcoholic ones but yes.

Q: Are you worried about not knowing anyone or being confident and socialising on the day?
A: Yes! But I’m hoping to have guts and meet new people.

Q: What’s are you most likely to be found doing why attending Britmums Live?
A: Not sure I understand the question….I will be probably chatting and listening. Oh and eating lots and lots of cake!

With this being said I can’t wait to see you again or meet you for he first time if I didn’t meet you before!

I’m not going to tag anybody as I wasn’t tagged myself either.

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