Update on pregnancy

Dear world,Unfortunately I’m not put of the woods yet. With that I mean that after I wrote my Pregnancy diary post on Sunday, yesterday my pains started again. I had a horrible day at work yesterday and I was in pain all day. Nothing worked – peppermint tea or pills. Sitting at my desk hurt me even more…

Today I went to my GP and she gave me even more to think about. She was unable to put a diagnostic and gave me a letter for another scan that is suppose to identify if there is anything else wrong with me – kidney stone or fibrosis. She also gave me some solution that is suppose to help me to have a bowel movement – apparently even that can cause me pain.

She also gave me a note that says “not fit for work” for the next two weeks!
Now really?!? I just didn’t think something like that can happen to me!
My GP just said that I might just need to stay home and rest as ligaments stretching might cause the pain. She basically doesn’t know but she doesnt want to risk either?!? But until we will have the scan results and so on we can’t know…
Thing is I’m working in Oxford Circus so not very convinient to travel to work in busy periods! I mean yesterday getting home with that pain was so bad! I had to stop every couple of steps because my pain was so horrendous! Can I risk just not being able to move while I’m alone on public transport?!?! No! So for now I’m going to listen to my doctor advice.

I will keep you informed on what will happen tomorrow if I can get to have the scan done and if my – god helps – pain will disappear.

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