Baby A is eating food!
So long the days when my baby was happy with only having boobie milk!
Since about 2-3 weeks ago Anastasia started showing the signs that she is ready for solids. Or better said that the milk is just not enough anymore.Now I know it is not the first time I’m doing it…the weaning I mean.
With Kara I bought lots of books before and after I started weaning.
So as you can imagine I read lots and lots but this time around especially because these days I prefer the online world it is easier or me to check for information about anything in general online. All the parenting specialist have websites too and plus there are lots of blogs and parenting websites too.
A website where I found all the information I need it about different weaning approaches is
Yes you are right there is also The Book written by Heidi Murkoff and is called the same. Well the website comes after the book with the only difference that it is online and not as bulky.
With Kara I started with mash vegetables but shortly I moved on to a baby led weaning approach. The advise I found on the website is just perfect and in do many lines it highlighted exactly what I need it to know.
Like with Kara, we started Anastasia with puréed food first. I guess I was just too scared to go straight with BLW and had enough of sleepless nights to wait longer to wean her.
Her first food was baby rice. You must see her face eating it for the first time.
Slowly we moved over to mash sweet potato, banana, carrot, pear,apple, porridge,apple and pear juice and chamomile tea.
Sweet potato combined with pear it’s her favourite.
That’s all she had until now but it’s still early and I’m aware that the milk from her mummy is still the best
I can’t wait to introduce her to different texture and slowly to finger food.
If she’s like her sister she will soon start to refuse to be fed so then I will have no alternative and just take the BLW route.
She has days when she wants more food and days when she just doesn’t want just atony bit.
However one thing I learned from BLW is to let the baby/child decide when to stop eating.
Until now it worked for us with Kara and most of the time she is not fussy at all.
Hopefully Anastasia will not be either,
Mummy will try her best and give her daughters as much as possible organic food and cooked from scratch.
I am planning to write a quick guide for easy and without stress weaning so watch this space. If you have any cool advice then please tweet me or email me and I’ll include you in the post too.
Oh her little face Otilia!
otilia stocks
I just can’t help but love her!
I think I blogged it somewhere. I did BLW and literally dished them up what we were having.
otilia stocks
It’s so weird this time I’m just a bit too scared…
More 4 Mums
She seems to be enjoying it ! Popped past from Mondays Parenting Pin It Party. I am on pinterest @more4mums
otilia stocks
Yes she was x thanks for stopping by
Bless she looks so shocked an happy all at the same time, the lovely wee thing! Thanks for entering the Parenting Pin it Party my dear!
otilia stocks
I know. Always hon always x
Great photos. My son loved his first spoonfuls of baby rice.
otilia stocks
Thank you hon.
Mum of One
I so love this stage. can’t wait to do it all again! She is such a little cutie x
otilia stocks
Pretty soon you will do it too! Tank you hon x